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As we consider how we might remake our future, at INVT21 we heard candid conversations that went behind the scenes of how design gets done. Click on a talk title below to watch the full video from each speaker!

Fri Forjindam
Chief Development Officer & Creative Director at MYCOTOO, IncBruce Mau
Author of MC24; Founder of Bruce Mau Studio; Co-founder & CEO of Massive Change Network; Chief Design Officer for FreemanDesign the Invisible
Elaine Lopez
Designer & Educator at Maryland Institute College of ArtRenee Reid
UX Design Researcher at LinkedIn & Inneract Project Board MemberSara Cantor
Co-Founder & Executive Director of Greater Good StudioDebbie Millman
Host of Design Matters; Editorial Director at; Chair of SVA Masters in BrandingTina Touli
Creative Director & Graphic Communication DesignerEnrique Quintero
Teaching Artist and Illustrator at Creativity ExploredWorkshop: Blind Contour Drawing
Ariel Zaccheo
Assistant Curator at Museum of Craft and DesignWorkshop: In/Visible Transparency - Design by Time
Ginger Gregg Duggan
Founding Partner and Curator at curatorsquared, LLCWorkshop: In/Visible Transparency - Design by Time
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